Emre Oktayoğlu
 Born in 1983, Emre Oktayoğlu began his piano studies at the age of 8 with Varujan Arslanyan. He received various awards for the music he composed for Üsküdar Anatolian High School Theater Group. He graduated from Bahçeşehir University's European Union Relations Department. He took part in “ilk ”album of Istanbul 12 Orchestra with his own lyrics, compositions and arrangements. He gave concerts as a tenor with İstanbul12 and Jülide Özçelik, accompanied by Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra, and made symphonic arrangements for these concerts. He also composed music for various documentaries such as “İçimizden Biti” series, “Takı” and “Göbeklitepe”. He continues his concerts as a pianist, arranger and soloist in Istanbul12 and as tenor in “Timefreeze” project that they play Broadway musicals and movie sountracks. Emre Oktayoğlu, who is also a music teacher, publishes his first sol.....
Emre Oktayoğlu